This becomes harder however with the photos you inherit that don't have those details on, some of them might have a date, a place perhaps but most don't have anything at all. Theses are the ones you stare frustratingly at, wishing you could fill in the names of the faces and why that picture was taken. In this post I thought I would share a few photos in my collection that fit that description, photos, you might say, with details that only give me half the story.
This first one is a group family photo with no details given, however I actually know who some of the people are. The two young girls in the front are my mum and aunt either side of my nana Marjorie Belt nee Chant(b- 22 June 1929 - d- 7 September 1997) and at the far back behind them, the lady in the white hat and the gentleman with glasses are my Great Grandparents George Belt(b-20 June 1899 - d-1973) and Florence Ethel Belt nee Stuart (b-6 June 1893 - d-19 October 1988). Neither myself or my aunt have any idea who the rest are and apart from wanting to know who they are I would love to know what the occasion was that brought them altogether.
This next one had underneath it "May, Doris and Len, Broadstairs 1919. May, on the left, is Beatrice May Stuart(b-23 May 1896 - d-1977), my Great Grandmothers sister. Again I don't know who Len or Doris are. Doris must have been close to the family as she appears in other photos in the album. I do love this one though, they look so relaxed, it would be great to step back in time and find out what they were doing that day and prompted that picture.
Lastly,this photo is a complete mystery, with only a date to go on. It's dated 12 April 1901, and that is all that I know about the person in this photograph. I know that it came from my mums side of the family. It looks like he is possibly at work, you can just see another figure behind him, but as to whether he is related or is having his picture taken by one of my relatives, I will probably never know.